Understanding Neurology (VTQ)
There are many different neurological conditions, and this course covers the most common ones.
There are many different neurological conditions, and this course covers the most common ones.
Gain your qualification in mental health today to help gain wellbeing strategies, an awareness of mental health and to be able to support your colleagues. Purchase your online or classroom Level 2 Mental health at work, wellbeing course today!
Gain a basic understanding and awareness of mental health to support your own wellbeing as well as people around you at your workplace. ProTrainings offers this course as 100% online or as a classroom course. Get Started today!
Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act of 2005 (MCA). This course is especially useful for those working in the care sector.
This course is based on nationally accepted triage protocols to ensure that the patient is triaged quickly and to the right place for the best form of treatment. This course is ideal for many sectors including 111 call and integrated urgent care clinical assessment services. You will learn about triage and the basics…
Learn about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) in care, and how it will affect your work.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to providing care for people with Dementia.